Monday, December 20, 2010

Just a little something I made for the New Year

Just Roll With It-2011
So I was thinking what I could send my friends and family (all on the east coast) this Holiday season. It always seems that regardless of how much money I have or do not have, each year my favorite part is when I make something to give to everyone. I have always loved to give and receive handmade gifts, I guess that is just the artistic/creative spirit in me. This year I got to thinking of something I could also make that could also be downloaded to give away to my friends online as well. This is the product of that thought. The idea of a one page calendar is certainly not original, but it is the very first one I have ever done and it was a lot of fun. The title is a bit of advice that my father in law had told my husband once when he was having an extremely stressful moment in his life, and advice that we both adhere to even today. Sometimes we just have to "Roll with it".

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Here is to you Pop...

Photo Tribute to a creative man in his own right
It has been a year of extreme ups and downs. On Sept 23 my father in-law, to be, died suddenly, less than two months before my wedding. I love this man and he welcomed me with open arms into his family. He always made me laugh and teased me unmercifully, but I know he would not have done so if he thought I couldn't take it. He was a sweet and frugal man who took wonderful care of his family both near and far. (His son and I being the ones afar.)So "Pop", here is to you, to whatever you had planned for our Halloween wedding, for all the times you made my belly ache with laughing, and for the sweet tender things you did for me (The cork not included...giggle), like the black bird you carved for me to sit alongside the blue bird you had made for you son years prior, and the beautiful pineapple that graces the front of our home to welcome our guests.  Pop you live with us everyday, in the temporal as well as in our hearts and minds. You left a legacy that few men can live up to. I love you.